


embedded system; embedded-developer; microcontroller programming; Arduino platform; software and hardware system; virtual stand; educational process


The difference between programming embedded systems from the classical one is that in addition to knowledge of the theory of algorithms, programming languages, it is necessary to know the hardware of the object, its physical or electrical properties. Programming for embedded systems is considered a separate area. Embedded-developer is engaged in the development, maintenance, testing of software and hardware. The article considers issues related to the peculiarities of practical training and the formation of professional skills in programming embedded-systems by students studying in the field of knowledge 12 Information Technology, 17 Electronics and Telecommunications software and hardware complex "Arduino Learner Kit" based on the platform Arduino Nano. The software-hardware system "Arduino Learner Kit" is intended for experiments on the control of LEDs, generation of color and adjustment of the brightness of RGB LED, creation of a tone signal, processing of events of clock buttons, reading of data from the potentiometer, DHT11 sensor, LM35 sensor, seven-segment display, LED dot matrix indicator, LCD-indicator, Arduino port sealing by shift register 74HC595, data exchange via SPI interface (MAX7219), and I2C (DS1307). The approach of the application of the physical and virtual stand "Arduino Learner Kit" for training on the mixed and distance form is offered. Arduino Learner Kit software and technology teaches that students study demonstration programs on each topic and get acquainted with their work on the virtual stand "Arduino Learner Kit" and explore the work on the real stand by the peculiarities of the educational process in the educational institution. Features of modeling, testing, and debugging of projects with Arduino in the Proteus 8.X environment are revealed. The list of topics for the formation of Arduino programming skills, drawing diagrams from ready-made modules and parts using the software and hardware system "Arduino Learner Kit", which are implemented in the educational process.


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Author Biography

Serhii Tsyrulnyk , Vinnytsia National Agrarian University

PhD (technical sciences), Assistant Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Economic Cybernetics


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Abstract views: 626



How to Cite

Tsyrulnyk , S. (2021). SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE SYSTEM «ARDUINO LEARNER KIT». Electronic Scientific Professional Journal “OPEN EDUCATIONAL E-ENVIRONMENT OF MODERN UNIVERSITY”, (10), 231–240.


